World-leading research on social development

SEED Lifespan conducts world-leading research on social and emotional development across the lifespan; from infancy to adulthood and into the next generation.

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Flagship project: Daily Growth

We are developing an app to support children’s mental health by giving their parents the tools to tackle challenging daily moments.

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peer-reviewed publications since 2014


systematic reviews since 2015


total category 1 funding since 2012


total category 2 & 3 funding since 2014

Research themes

Lifecourse sciences

Understanding the developmental origins of mental health and disorders

Intervention sciences

Designing programs to promote emotional security and social connection

Social neuro and molecular sciences

Understanding the developing and aging brain

Data sciences

Making data accessible

Systematic reviews

Synthesising evidence on effective mental health interventions

Research streams

Public mental health care

Preventing mental disorders and promoting emotional health in the general population

Mental health care in priority populations

Preventing mental disorders and promoting emotional health in priority populations

Clinical mental health care

Preventing mental disorders and promoting emotional health in clinical populations